Advertising Terms & Conditions



The following conditions apply to the acceptance of all advertisements for publication in the Asian Art Newspaper and the placing of an order for the insertion of an advertisement shall amount to the acceptance of these conditions and any conditions stipulated in an agency’s order form or elsewhere by an agency or an advertiser shall be void insofar as they are in conflict with them. All these terms and conditions are subject to English Law.

The publishers of the Asian Art Newspaper shall have at their absolute discretion the right to omit, suspend, or change the position of any advertisement accepted for insertion. The publishers will not be liable for any loss or damage, consequential or otherwise, occasioned by error in the insertion or omission to insert or late publication of any advertisement. The publisher will not be liable for any damage or loss of materials supplied for the purpose of an advertisement. Printing material shall be destroyed one calendar year after publication unless claimed by the advertiser or his agent or reused in the following month’s issue.

When copy for a space booking – either casual or contract – fails to meet the deadline, or when a client under a three-or-more issue contract cancels an advertisement, the publishers reserve the right to repeat the previous advertisement at full cost to the client, or to render a charge for the full space cost.

It is the client’s responsibility to advise required corrections by the date stipulated. A correct proof will otherwise be assumed. A low res PDF proof will be supplied by email of any adverts we design.

Whilst the publishers endeavour to produce the magazine to very high technical standards, there are commercial lithographic reproduction and four-colour printing limitations. As such, no guarantee of precisely accurate colour reproduction is given nor is implied by the publishers. This applies to reproductions from sub-standard digital scans supplied on disk. When in doubt please seek our advice on such matters.

The advertiser is expected to provide a checked and confirmed CMYK press ready pdf for the print issue. No liability is accepted by the newspaper if the advertiser fails to provide this.

No responsibility will be accepted where publication is delayed or prevented by factors beyond the control of the publisher such as printing, shipping, customs clearance and local delivery.

The publishers shall have the right to change their scale of advertisement rates at any time and shall not be bound by notice to stop orders, cancellations or transfer for advertisements received less than one month proceeding publication date.


Payment for advertising shall be made strictly within one month of invoice date. Any account outstanding more than five months shall be subject to 5% surcharge plus a percentage for each outstanding month over six months. In the event of it being necessary to pass the account to either a collection agency or solicitor, then all costs so incurred will be claimed to be the responsibility of the advertiser and subsequently debited to their account.


The advertising agency or advertiser submitting the advertisement shall indemnify the publishers in respect of costs, damages or other charges falling upon them as a result of legal actions or threatened legal actions, arising from the publication of the advertisement in accordance with the copy instructions supplied to the publishers by the agency or the advertiser. In any case where a claim is made against the publishers, agency or advertiser may ultimately be liable under the terms here of, notice in writing shall be given to him in order that consultations shall take place before any expense is incurred or the claim settled, defended or otherwise disposed of to his detriment.

Notwithstanding, anything in these conditions providing to the contrary, neither the publishers nor the advertisers shall be liable to each other for any loss or damage consequential or otherwise cause by or arising out of any Act of Parliament, Order in Council, Act of State, strike of employees, lock out, trade dispute, enemy action, civil commotion, fire, force majeur, Act of God or other similar contingency beyond the control of either of them.